Local Area Activities & Attractions
Within minutes of Cox Lodging you will run into the amazing San Rafael Swell and World Class Joe's Valley. Activities available at the swell include breathtaking OHV trails, hiking/biking trails, Indian and Dinosaur attractions and is home to the Little Grand Canyon.
Joe's Valley is labeled as one of the top 3 places to boulder in the World!!! Joe's Valley Marina and Reservoir are a main attraction as well with jet ski, boat and ATV rentals that lead to the many trimmed OHV trails in the beautiful Manti LaSal National Forest! Another favorite attraction is Millsite Golf Course. An 18 hole target style course with majestic views! You will also find within 15 minutes two State Parks at Huntington Reservoir and Millsite Reservoir with paddle board and canoe rentals, along with groomed RV, campsites, and restrooms/showers! Also located in Castle Dale is a Pioneer Museum, Museum of the San Rafael and a new Aquatic Center! Castle Dale is also home to the Castle Valley Pageant. The Pageant occurs every other year and is a bucket list must. Within 1 mile of Cox Lodging you can find everything from a large park/pavilion, sand volleyball pits, baseball fields and views that will take your breathe away! |