April 21-22, 2023 - canceled
To register for the 1st Annual Battle Royale Spring Invitational please complete the form below and venmo your $525 team payment to @Battle-Royale (Battle Baseball-Tournament).
We will do our best to update the Who's Playing page as teams register. Please call Jeremy at 435-580-9401 with any questions you may have!
We will do our best to update the Who's Playing page as teams register. Please call Jeremy at 435-580-9401 with any questions you may have!
The tournament will be governed by official MLB Rules with the following exceptions: All teams must bring birth certificates - They will only be checked upon request by tournament directors. If the player is not of age and birth certificate cannot be produced, he will be unable to play the remainder of the tournament and that game will be forfeited.
FORMAT: 2 pool play games Friday. Bracket play begins Saturday.
FORMAT: 2 pool play games Friday. Bracket play begins Saturday.
- Home team is listed second on the Friday schedule. Highest seed will be given the option to be home or away for bracket play.
- All divisions will be 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 40 minutes. In the event time is expired and the game is tied, the game will end in a tie for pool play. If time is not expired use the International Tie-Breaker rule to break the tie in bracket play. 2 Hour time limit for all Championship games. No new inning after 2 hours.
- 15 run rule after 3 innings. 10 run rule after 4 innings. .
- 4 innings or 1 Hour constitutes a complete game when delayed or called because of inclement weather.
- Batting Order Re-entry Rule: Starters may only re-enter one time and in the same spot in the batting order.
- Batting Order: There is no limit to the number of players you have in the batting lineup. A team must bat a minimum of 9 players.
- Unlimited Defensive substitutions. Your defensive lineup is non-related to your batting order. A player may play defensively even if they are not in the batting lineup.
- No Restrictions on Cleats. Bats Must be 1.15 BPF Stamped. Pitchers are NOT allowed to wear metal cleats on the portable mounds.
- Speed-up rule/courtesy runners will be allowed for the pitcher or catcher at any time. The courtesy runner will be the last out.
- The official score will be the home book. Be sure to check the score every half inning.
- Protests will not be allowed on judgment calls. Protests must be handled at the time of protest - Umpire can confer with tournament director for help on ruling.
- We will enforce an avoid contact or must slide rule at all bases. Malicious contact-runner will be ejected. It is the discretion of the umpire if the runner is trying to avoid contact or a collision. This is a judgement call by Umpire. Not open to discussion or protest
- Only two coaches outside of dugout during games (does not include base coaches).
- Please have a Catcher available to warm up your Pitcher between innings when your Catcher is not ready. Keep games on time.
- Pitchers - Maximum of 6 warm-up pitches between innings. Maximum of 9 innings for the tournament.
- No infield before games. Get teams in the dugout and have your teams ready to play before game time.
- With runners on 1st and 3rd, pitcher will not be allowed to fake a throw to 3rd base. ( balk)
- End of game – Remove garbage from dugout and clear dugout in a timely manner. Hold post game discussions outside of the field.
- Show respect and good sportsmanship on and off the field. Any excessive unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or fans may result in removal from game, possible forfeiture of game plus possible ban from future tournaments. Coaches are responsible for your Fans conduct.
- The batting team is responsible for foul balls - there is not an unlimited supply of balls. Teams keeping excessive amount of HR balls must put new balls into play
- If a pitcher pitches more than 4 innings in one calendar day, they cannot pitch the second day. (1 pitch delivered in an inning constitutes an inning pitched)
- Maximum Innings in One Calendar Day = 7 innings (Note: This is a "per day" rule not a "per game" rule)
- Maximum Innings for Tournament (including championship day) = 9 innings.
- No pitcher may return to pitching position after being removed from pitching position, except for the 1st pitcher of the game.
- Each team will be responsible for signing game card after the game. It can be signed by the opposing manager, umpire, or the official scorer of the game.
- If a coach has a question about the opposing team's pitching log, he may bring it to the attention of the tournament staff. A coach may not request the pitching affidavit from the opposing coach.
- If officials determine that the pitcher in question is ineligible to pitch, the pitcher will be removed from the mound at the time of discovery.
- Best Record (Wins count as 2 points, ties are 1 point, and losses are 0 points). If there is a tie between teams for best record the next rules apply.
- Head to Head (tied teams). Does not apply if all tied teams have not played each other or have at least one win and one loss against all other tied teams. Exception: One team has beaten or lost to ALL tied teams. Head to head will apply to that team only. The remaining tied teams will continue to the next tie breaker.
- Fewest runs allowed.
- Coin Flip.